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DASH Diet for Seniors With Hypertension

It’s a fact that somebody dies from heart disease every 34 seconds in the United States. The risk of heart disease is highest for people who have hypertension. If you’re a senior who needs to manage hypertension and lower blood pressure, the DASH diet could help you stay healthy for longer. DASH stands for Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension. It’s helped thousands of seniors avoid hypertension symptoms and live long, healthy lives. The whole point of the DASH diet is to seek out foods that are healthy for your heart and avoid foods that have been processed or are filled with salt and harmful fats. In the article below, you’ll find some tips on how to follow the DASH diet and manage your hypertension. Continue reading to learn more about how to identify DASH diet foods.

Seek Out Fruits and Vegetables

Fruits and vegetables have three ingredients that can help lower your blood pressure; fiber, magnesium, and potassium. The more fruits and vegetables you eat, the less likely it is that your hypertension flares up and you experience spikes in blood pressure. Anybody who is getting up there in age should aim for four or five servings of fruits and vegetables per day. Try to eat fruit for breakfast and get a healthy serving of vegetables in with each meal.

Whole Grains Help with Hypertension

Next time you’re buying bread, seek out whole-grain bread instead of processed white bread. You can also find whole-grain options for pasta and tortillas. Whole grain foods are rich in fiber, which can combat the effects of hypertension. Another benefit of whole grains is that they contain minerals and plenty of vitamins. You can also add whole grains to your diet in the form of oatmeal, quinoa, and brown rice.

Opt for Fish and Poultry

One thing that seniors should avoid is red meat. Whenever possible, choose to eat fish and chicken instead of ground beef or steak. Fish and poultry are examples of lean proteins. Red meat is considered a fatty protein, and it can cause your blood pressure to spike. If you don’t enjoy eating poultry and fish, you can get lean protein in the form of tofu as well. If you look at the facilities for memory care Hidden Lakes residents prefer, they should provide these dietary options.

Avoid High-Fat Dairy Products

While cheese is delicious, it’s also very fatty and contains high amounts of sodium. You can find cheese substitutes at most grocery stores, or you can simply avoid adding cheese to your meals. Milk is also high in fat and salt, but you can switch to low-fat milk or milk alternatives in your effort to seek out good nutrition.

Reviewing the Top Tips for Following the DASH Diet

Now that you understand how the DASH diet works, you’re ready to embrace a healthy lifestyle filled with diet and exercise. Remember to fill your refrigerator with fruits and vegetables and avoid the processed food that you find at fast food restaurants. If you’re interested in living in a senior living community that can help promote a healthy lifestyle, get in touch with the helpful team at Inspired Living at Hidden Lakes, the dementia care Hidden Lakes residents trust.

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