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Senior woman and her adult daughter looking at photo album together on couch in living room, Transitioning from Assisted Living to Memory Care

Transitioning from Assisted Living to Memory Care in Bradenton, FL

Making the move from assisted living to memory care is a challenge for some seniors in Bradenton, FL, but the added support it brings can be essential when memory loss is present. With the right knowledge and strategies, those in a caregiving role can support their loved ones as they make this move. These tips will help make the process as smooth as possible.

Understand the Differences

First, seniors and their families should understand the differences between assisted living and memory care. Assisted living provides help with activities of daily living, medication management, and housekeeping services. These communities have activities and events to provide social, mental, and physical stimulation. Seniors have quite a bit of freedom to move in and out of the community.

Memory care provides all of these same benefits but adds specially trained caregivers who assist seniors in managing the challenges of memory care. These communities feature easy-to-navigate layouts with signage that helps seniors remember where they are. They often do not include kitchens in their apartments since seniors with memory loss can often forget steps in cooking. Memory care communities also have additional security measures, such as wander guards and self-locking exterior doors, to prevent seniors from wandering away from home.

Keep the Environment Consistent

One of the best ways to help a senior transition from assisted living to memory care in Bradenton is to keep the environment as consistent as possible. Many communities offer both types of caregiving. Using one of these communities will prevent confusion and keep the senior as stable as possible within the community. In addition, finding a memory care facility where the staff is consistent day after day can help prevent confusion. When seniors with memory loss become confused, they can become agitated, and consistency can limit this.

Have Consistent Conversation

Next, keep the conversation simple and consistent when talking to the senior. Keep the same message, and get all family members on the same page about what you will say. Repeating a message such as, “You are moving to a new home where you will be safe,” may help get the message into the senior’s mind.

Personalize the Space

Bringing mementos from home and furniture the senior is familiar with can make the space feel like home, which can prevent confusion after the move. If the senior is moving to memory care after assisted living, bring items from their assisted living apartment. If possible, keep the decor similar from the first apartment to the new one.

Encourage Socialization

After the move, encourage the senior to socialize with other members of the memory care facility and with the staff. The sooner they start remembering people and places, the better the transition will go. Socialization is also helpful in reducing the risk of mental health concerns.

Transitioning to memory care can be an important part of protecting a senior with dementia and related conditions, but it can also be challenging. With these tips, families can make the move as smooth as possible for all involved. For additional advice about making this transition as smooth as possible, contact Inspired Living at Hidden Lakes, or schedule a tour to see the community in person.

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